Haydom Development Company (HDC) Ltd would appreciate getting in touch with individuals or organisations wanting to support one or more of the HDC activities or becoming partners.

E- mail: post@haydom-dc.com

Home Board History Visions, objectives and targets Experieances
We have been made to understand that representatives of Haydom Farm and Development (HDF) don’t want to meet HDC in an open dialog with ELCT. If this is the case, two questions arise: What is HDF afraid of and what has HDF to hide? 

HDC Ltd is prepared to negotiate with HLH, FoH, ELCT Diocese of Mbulu and others in order to find a sustainable solution to the problems we all have faced during the last 4 years, including the financing.

HDC = Haydom Development Company Ltd.

HLH = Haydom Lutheran Hospital

FoH = (The Foundation) Friends of Haydom

About the conflict HDC vs. SHV/FoH 

Josephine’s story 

The medical students who lost their HLH- grants:

Haydom- director Olsens letter to Fanuel. D Bellet


Fanuel D. Bellets request for help to Halvdan Jakobsen

 T   Issues in the conflict HDC vs. HLH/FoH:

The unilateral physical take-over of Mulbadaw Farm and Central Maintenance and Service Centre by order from the  Foundation Friends of Haydom in Norway; without producing any court injunction or any legal document authorizing such a take-over.

The conduct of the chairman of the Board of Directors of Haydom Development Company Ltd; his lack of loyalty to lawful decisions made by the Board in 2006 and his unauthorized and secret dealings with Joseph Tadayo leading up to the unilateral physical take-over mentioned above.

The deceit by FoH in fulfilling their own board decision of October 2005 in financing HDC Ltd

The lack of registration of the entity running Mulbadaw Farm and Central Maintenance and Service Centre after 12th August 2006; how can a foreign foundation own and run businesses in Tanzania without being registered in Tanzania?

The suspicion of corruption aimed at avoiding the case to be considered by the court.

Read more about the conflict here.




Communication and open dialog.

According to the purchase agreement of June 2006 between the Liquidator of the former NAFCO farms and HLH, which HDC regards as invalid, HLH is owner.  As far as we are informed by Tanzanian Authorities, the Title has not been issued to HLH; the reason could be that HLH is not a legal entity that can own a farm. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), Mbulu Diocese is the owner of HLH and also a legal entity that might own a farm.  Therefore ELCT can and must decide who in the end shall be the real owner and manager of the properties and in what name the deeds shall be issued to.

We would like to remind the readers of what was published on this web- site three weeks ago: “Issues of ownership are better discussed in Mbulu, providing transparency and local participation in the process, and not in Norway.” The time has now come for all involved parties (ELCT, HFD and HDC) to come together and discuss how Mulbadaw Farm and CMSC best are managed and who is best suited to do it. We have been made to understand that representatives of Haydom Farm and Development (HDF) don’t want to meet HDC in an open dialog with ELCT. If this is the case, two questions arise: What is HDF afraid of and what has HDF to hide?


According to the website of the Norwegian foundation Friends of Haydom (FoH) the Mulbadaw farm and the Central Maintenance and Service Centre (CMSC) is today financed by a loan of 6 mill NOK (=1,4 bill TSH) in a Norwegian bank.

All stakeholders, including ELCT Diocese of Mbulu and FoH in Norway should be aware that HDC has never at any point refused to take responsibility for financing the purchases.  It was FoH, not HDC, who refused to sign the proposed loan agreement between HDC and FoH of 30th August 2005.  When HDC in August 2006 had negotiated alternative financing from a Tanzanian bank administrating World Bank funds, FoH took Mulbadaw and CMSC by force.

HDC Ltd is prepared to negotiate with HLH, FoH, ELCT Diocese of Mbulu and others in order to find a sustainable solution to the problems we all have faced during the last 4 years, including the financing.  Unless FoH in Norway has as the main objective to own and control Mulbadaw Farm and CMSC, it is difficult to understand why FoH should take economic risks and use resources on this; the constitution of FoH states that it shall support the Haydom Hospital and nothing else.

The Foundation Friends of Haydom is not registered anywhere, neither in Norway nor in Tanzania, for owning and operating commercial enterprises.

 (Published 01.08.2010)