E- mail recieved by HDC 31.10.2010

Dear Mr. Tednes,

Thank you for your reply. 

The short, but correct, answer to the first seven of your questions is that I was not party to any of the processes leading up to the submission of a proposal regarding this Foundation, hence I have no information to provide. 

My only role has been to seek clarification from the formal parties concerned (the Board of Haydom Hospital and the Mbulu Diocese leadership) that no members the Olsen family initiated or supported the inception of the clause concerning the role of the family. This I have done in order to provide a solid basis for rectification of your website content, since my initial queries to members of my family after your publications in March did not support your allegations. I have received assurances from all these parties that no members of my family were involved in the manner you portray, and these assurances have been communicated to you. Note that the Halmashauri Kuu itself also played no role in proposing Olsen Family trusteeship, hence the proposal was, and remains, of little consequence.. 

With reference to your last three questions I have been told by sources other than the Medical Director at the time (my brother), sources who were present at the meetings you refer to, that my brother protested but was overruled during the discussions. When he subsequently sought advice from other members of the family his initial reaction was supported and reinforced. I can confirm that the Olsen Family formally protested to the Board of the hospital at the first opportunity (in May this year), and followed this up with another formal protest to the Halmashauri Kuu in August. 

My recommendations are that you:
a) First correct the misrepresentation on your website regarding the Olsen family’s role, as this remains factually incorrect
b) Next examine if the issue is worth your continued attention, given the certitude that the offending clause in the Foundation proposal had no support in either the Olsen family or the Halmashauri Kuu
c) Finally, if you remain of the opinion that other elements of the Foundation proposal are of interest to you (ref. your first seven questions), continue your search for additional information through the parties directly concerned (the Board of the hospital and the leadership of the Mbulu Diocese). 

Knut Evjen Olsen