Haydom Development Company (HDC) Ltd would appreciate getting in touch with individuals or organisations wanting to support one or more of the HDC activities or becoming partners.

E- mail: post@haydom-dc.com

Home Board History Visions, objectives and targets Experieances

HDC = Haydom Development Company Ltd.

HLH = Haydom Lutheran Hospital

FoH = (The Foundation) Friends of Haydom

Josephine’s story 

The medical students who lost their HLH- grants:

Haydom- director Olsens letter to Fanuel. D Bellet


Fanuel D. Bellets request for help to Halvdan Jakobsen

uIsIssues in the conflict HDC vs. HLH/FoH:

The unilateral physical take-over of Mulbadaw Farm and Central Maintenance and Service Centre by order from the  Foundation Friends of Haydom in Norway; without producing any court injunction or any legal document authorizing such a take-over.

The conduct of the chairman of the Board of Directors of Haydom Development Company Ltd; his lack of loyalty to lawful decisions made by the Board in 2006 and his unauthorized and secret dealings with Joseph Tadayo leading up to the unilateral physical take-over mentioned above.

The deceit by FoH in fulfilling their own board decision of October 2005 in financing HDC Ltd

The lack of registration of the entity running Mulbadaw Farm and Central Maintenance and Service Centre after 12th August 2006; how can a foreign foundation own and run businesses in Tanzania without being registered in Tanzania?

The suspicion of corruption aimed at avoiding the case to be considered by the court.



About the conflict HDC vs. SHV/FoH

Brief summary of the conflict

12th August 2006:  Friends of Haydom (FoH), making use of the security guards at Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) and others, armed with “rungu,” takes physical control of Mulbadaw Farm and CMSC.  All core assets and non-core assets as including 850 tons of raw wheat, money in the safe, etc valued at hundred of millions shillings were seized.

No court injunctions at the time or later can justify the unilateral takeover. The conflict about the non core assets was setteled in an argreement later, but the question about who is the right owner the Mulbadaw- farm and CMSC has been taken to court by HDC.

More about the conflict: 

Summary of the development of the conflict

Managing director of HDC, Halvdan Jakobsen, gives his wiews about the conflict HDC vs. HLH/FoH


Some events

Chronological summary of some events in the conflict HDC vs. HLH/FoH. Before reading about the events from nov. 2005, you're recomended to read about the history before the conflict started. Link to the history before the conflict.


The lawsuit

The conflict has been taken to court by HDC. A hearing vas held in The High Court - Land Division in Dar es Salam on the 22th of April 2009. The result of this hearing is aspected to be announced on the 15th of July, but nothing has happened.


Also a court ruling i Arusha was expected on 25th of June about whether or not to reinstate the case as to let Tanzanian law rule. It didn't take place.

By Mars 2010 there is no news about the lawsuit, but HDC will try to follow up the best way we can. Unfortunately the possibility to get the main issue of who is the rigthtful owner of the Mulbadaw farm an the Service Senter, tried in cout  seems rather little at the moment.


FoHs Demands

Read about the demands made by The Foundation Friends of Haydom (FoH) in 2006 that illegaly would have transferred all executive power to the norwegians from FoH in Norway and destroyed HDC.


Time to reboot?

Read the comments of Halvdan Jakobsen in connection to the fact that it's almost three years since the hostile and unilateral takover of the Mulbadaw farm by the Friend of Haydom (FoH) in Norway. Published 19.07.2009